Changing the world, one massage at a time…
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I will require you to fill out a medical history sheet before your first massage appointment so you will need to arrive a few minutes before your appointment. If you are a regular client you will be required to update your form on a regular basis.
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You will be required to disrobe down to your underwear (undies, panties, jocks, briefs-- Ladies this includes removing your bra). Your modesty is preserved at all times and only the part of your body being massaged at the time will be exposed. If you feel uncomfortable during your massage please tell me as I want you to feel safe and at ease during your treatment.
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Many people are only familiar with the relaxation style of massage and you need to be aware that Raynor Massage encourages detoxification in your body. I would recommend that you refrain from drinking alcohol, soft drinks, and caffeine for at least 12 hours immediately after your treatment. You will need to increase your water intake to aid the detoxification process during this period. Filtered cool water (not chilled) will be best.
You may feel cold after your treatment and so will need to keep yourself warm for a few hours immediately afterwards. A tingling feeling in any part of the body that was treated is normal and is not a cause for concern as it will dissipate on its own after a short while. This means that your “chi” (qi) - which can be interpreted as the "life energy" or "life force" - is flowing and a good sign, as it is now moving as it should be.

Unless you are having a Relaxation or Aromatherapy massage you may find your massage to be uncomfortable at certain times during the massage. This is completely normal and is part of the process of releasing the tension in your body and helping it to return to a healthy state. I will be very sensitive to your experience and will be constantly monitoring you and checking with you that you are happy to proceed. At certain times during your massage I will ask you what the pressure is like between 1 and 10 – (the level that I will be aiming at is somewhere around 7-8).
Darkroom theme
by ThemeFlood